Präsentation „Construct//Deconstruct“

Startseite/Jugend & Bildung, Kunst & Kultur/Präsentation „Construct//Deconstruct“
Lade Veranstaltungen

Eine internationale Gruppe von über 20 jungen Erwachsenen setzt sich künstlerisch, forschend, performativ mit den Herausforderungen von Diskriminierung auseinander. Bühnen erschaffen Konstruktionen, erwecken Assoziationen, manifestieren Bilder und haben die Chance, diese auch wieder zu brechen. Wer erzählt was wie über wen und warum? Wieviel Rechtfertigung benötigt Kunst? Welchen Diskursen begegnen wir, und was hat das Ganze mit mir zu tun?

Informationen und Anmeldung:


In collaboration between the GRIPS Theater, the Alice Salomon University, MIKUB e.V. and RomaTrial e.V. and the associations Crna Ovca and USGZ, as well as the initiative arterarij from Croatia, more than 20 young adults have come together for ten days in Zagreb, Berlin and Brandenburg to discuss discrimination-critical issues to pursue intensively with biographical and artistic approaches. The project seeks exchange, invites discussion, wants to sensitize. Thus, the project leans not on a specific production or a specific event in Berlin, but designes an extended format with young adults of different origin and experience.

An evening about discrimination-critical theater work

July 3, 2018 at 8 pm, GRIPS Theater am Hansaplatz (Venue: Box)

An international group of over 20 young adults deals with the challenges of discrimination artistically, researchingly and performatively. Stages create constructions, create associations, manifest images and have a chance to break them again. Who tells what about who and why? How much justification does art need? What discourses do we encounter, and what does the whole thing have to do with me?

Information and registration:

Gefördert durch
Berliner Landeszentrale für politische Bildung

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